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Wear and Tear on your Pavement Markings: What Causes it and When Should You Paint?

Wear and tear on your parking lot painting can comprise the safety and effectiveness of your parking lot. Here’s what you should know.

Have you ever wondered why the parking lot painting on your pavement and parking lots have started fading, peeling off or disappearing altogether? Wear and tear on your pavement markings can be a safety hazard, especially in industrial, commercial or retail parking lots.

In this article, we shall take a look at some of the most common causes of the pavement markings wear & tear. We’ll cover when you should paint your parking lines and markings.

What are the Causes?

Snow Plowing and De Icing

Removal of ice and snow is the major culprit for wear & tear on parking lot line striping and pavement markings. That’s because when the snow is plowed, the blade on the plow runs right along the asphalt potentially damaging the striping and pavement markings. Salting creates major havoc on pavement markings as it erodes the pavement and along with it the pavement markings. This is especially true in Vancouver BC because we receive plenty of below zero temperatures over the long winter months. Oftentimes that means snow plows and salters are a common sight in our parking lots, driveways, roads, and other paved surfaces.

The good news is that Manta Parking Maintenance has got you covered. We have the expertise (25+-years experience, to be exact), well-trained specialists, and the right tools to give your pavement markings that fresh, new look.

High Traffic Areas

Have you ever noticed that high traffic spots are the ones that suffer the most wear and tear? That’s because the paint bears the brunt of the vehicles tires, especially high-grip snow tires.

Substandard Asphalt

The tear and wear on line striping and markings can be due to poor asphalt to begin with. Low-quality, dirty and broken asphalt makes it hard for the paint to bond well. When combined with other forms of wear and tear, poor asphalt can take a huge toll on the markings. Just as painting on a clean, freshly primed wall will give you a nice smooth finish, painting over a dirty, hole ridden wall will eventually peel and all imperfections will be visibly noticeable.

Extreme Cold/Hot Weather

Again, Vancouver BC experiences some of the wettest winters in North America. Once the spring comes knocking, our battered parking lots will be fully revealed. You’ll soon notice the cracks and the potholes, the broken curbing, and the wear and tear that winter inflicted on the white/yellow pavement markings. Faded or partly peeled-off markings can be a huge risk factor in causing parking lot accidents.

Snow-Melting Salts

Salting is another cause of wear and tear on pavement/parking lot markings and line strips. The active compounds in the snow-melting salts erode the paint, loosening it from the asphalt.

De-Icing Chemicals

Concrete parking lots that have a high concentration of compounds like dolomite can be harsh on pavement markings. The chemical attack comes from magnesium-rich ice melters that are used to clear snow from our parking lots. If your markings have the tendency of peeling off, the chances are good that deicing chemicals are to blame.

When Should you Repaint Pavement Markings?

As soon as you notice wear and tear, you should take immediate action. However, it is customary to repaint and apply parking line striping in spring, after the long winter months.

Major Safety Markings

Does your parking lot have all the necessary safety markings in place? This can include but is not limited to appropriate pedestrian crosswalks, stop lines, arrows, roadway centre lines and painted handicap ramps. If you are unsure of the safety of your parking lot it is better to give professionals such as Manta to provide you with full parking lot safety recommendations. Don’t wait for an accident to happen. Be pro-active!

Need help with parking lot line painting or marking? Don’t hesitate to call Manta, the best parking maintenance company in Vancouver, BC. 604-781-5201

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