Vehicle Accident on a Private Commercial Property - Who’s liable? This article takes a closer look at who should be held responsible for it and what you should do.

Imagine this: you’re driving along the parking lot’s feeder lane, then another vehicle that’s trying to back out suddenly hits the side of your car. Who’s at fault? Is it you, the other driver or the parking lot owner? Did bad parking lot Line Striping in Vancouver play a role?
Who’s liable when an auto accident happens on private commercial property like a parking lot? This is a question that many motorists in Vancouver wrestle with-year-in year-out. That’s why we put together this handy article to help you find out who’s exactly at fault and what property owners can do to prevent these accidents.
Parking Lot Accidents in Vancouver, BC - What You Need to Know
Parking lot collisions, crashes and accidents are on the rise across Vancouver, especially in commercial properties. In fact, close to 150,000 accidents occur annually at parking lots in Vancouver, resulting in about 5,400 injuries, 15 deaths, and a whopping $1.5 billion in damages.
From a legal standpoint, vehicle accidents that happen on private property are usually handled differently from accidents on a public road. We all know that when a road accident happens, the first step you take is to immediately call the police to report it, as well as document the crash scene and exchange important info like insurance details. But, what happens if the collision happened in a parking lot? What to do next, especially if the other driver takes off?
First Things First: Report the Accident
It doesn’t matter if it happened on public roadways or private commercial property, the first thing you should do is report the accident to the police. Unfortunately, most police officers aren’t eager to respond to a parking lot accident because they usually occur at low speeds. The next step is to report the accident to ICBC. The final sensible step is to call and inform the parking lot owner.
Who’s Responsible?
The responsibility for the accident can rest on one or more of the three parties in question: the first driver, the other driver, and/or the property owner. It’s a no-brainer that the driver who clearly caused the accident is liable. But why would the parking lot owner be also at fault?
It’s simple. The private commercial property owner can share some liability for the accident because of a number of reasons. According to Vancouver law, the owner will be held partly responsible if:
● The lanes, especially around the corners, are obstructively narrow
● The parking lot is in extremely poor condition - riddled with potholes, worn out paving, too bumpy, invisible Line Striping Vancouver, etc.
● Poorly done or peeled off marking - If you don’t hire the right person for parking Lot Line Painting in Vancouver, you can land in the hot soup if an accident happens in your parking garage.
● The design of the parking lot generates blind spots for drivers
The list goes on and on.
Protect Yourself
As a parking lot owner, the last thing you want is for an accident to occur at your property and be held responsible for it. Perhaps your lot needs Line Striping in Vancouver. That’s why you need to call tried and true professionals like Manta Parking Maintenance to ensure your parking lot is up to the city by-law standards. It offers first-rate parking lot Line Striping service in Vancouver. And, as a WorkSafe BC Certified contractor with years of experience, experienced crew, and fast turnaround, you are in great hands!
Call 604-781-5201 today or Visit to request online!